Hello youth and fellow members of Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church! It’s me Jordanelle again! This week I have had this revolving idea in my head that keeps coming back to me. I’m doing this paper in my English class and the topic I choose for it was Politics in Education. This topic took a much different turn than I thought it would, but it’s been very actively keeping politics on my mind.
I’ve been doing a lot of research for this essay and one thing I have come to realize about this issue is that everyone has a different solution to the problem. I got me thinking about everyday life and how really it goes the same way. There is an issue, and everyone has a way to solve it. But how do you find the best way to solve a problem? How to you get different people with different ideas to agree on the same plan of action?
There are many ways to go about it and of course people will have a different way to solve it but the way I have found most useful is through communication. It is amazing the issues you can solve when the opposing people sit together and talk an issue out. Something to think about in your life: Do I let the opposer communicate with me or do I shut them down because they take the opposition to me?
Anyway, youth activities and planning are in full motion. There was a problem with the youth survey link, and we are in the process of fixing it and then I’ll re-email it out to all the wonderful parents of the church ASAP so, keep an eye on those inboxes. Remember the deadline for the youth surveys are December 1st.
Painted rock project is going well, still waiting for more of those images so I can get them up and posted in the meantime keep up the good work. Even something as simple as a painted stone can bring a smile to someone’s day.
Wasatch High School greenhouse class is selling Christmas Poinsettias for anyone interested in purchasing one. Contact Jordanelle Mugridge (who is in the greenhouse class and has helped to raise this beautiful batch of poinsettias) my contact info is in the Directory or contact the church office for my email/phone number. They will be ready for sale after Thanksgiving and will range from $8.00-10.00. They really do look beautiful and would make a great addition to your home holiday decorations.
Here is a challenge I gave to the cast members of the show I’m directing that I am now giving to you. Write a half a page about your character. For my cast this was about their character they were playing in the show. They all did it and it was amazing how much stronger their character was after this one short challenge. They became so much more connected to the story and each other and what their character wanted.
This is not only a good practice for theater but for life, so I am challenging you to take time out of a day this week and write a half a page about yourself. It can literally be anything you want. Then take that page and read it to your reflection. After that put it somewhere and sometime in the near or later future do the exercise again and then compare the answers. It is amazing the stories you can tell about yourself and how much more connected you will become to the world around you.
That’s all I got for now… Thanks for reading! Have a good week! ~ Jordanelle Mugridge